Ashley says,
“Hummingbirds have always fascinated me and my dream to one day photograph them finally came true in November 2013.
This lecture gives you not only some lovely images of these little jewels, but some fascinating facts about some of the smallest birds in the world.
Besides the Hummingbirds, Trinidad & Tobago has some wonderfully colourful bird life and also plays host to some of the birds we watch in disbelief on the TV documentaries, like the Bell Bird, Oilbirds and Manikins.
This lecture has plenty of great images from Honeycreepers at the famous Asa Wright Centre in Trinidad, to the majestic Tropic Birds of Little Tobago island. If you have been thinking of visiting, this talk may just make up your mind to book your trip.
The lecture also includes film with sound of some species, so a very entertaining show.”
The attached photograph, of a Hummingbird, was taken by Ashley.
This illustrated presentation will take place at St Bridget’s Church Centre, Church Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 7HL.
Visitors are very welcome, and the cost is £4.00, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
This is not a ticket event – please just come along.