Firstly, I must apologise that it is so long since the last issue – time seems to fly past so quickly.
After several attempts, Ellie finally managed to capture wonderful images of Bearded Tits at Leighton Moss. Here are three images of these elusive birds. I think they are such beautiful birds, especially the males sporting their black “moustaches”. October is a great time to look for them on grit trays when the birds ingest the grit to help grind seeds in their gizzards. With the young, fledged birds, there are also more birds around.
Bill took some nice photos at Martin Mere. A close view of a Lapwing demonstrated why one of its old names was Green Plover. A Cattle Egret did what is says on the tin! And a nice Ruff showed well.
My local Jackdaws have formed their winter roost again. Each evening, around 2 hundred birds congregate in the garden treetops and then just before dusk they fly around calling noisily, before all leaving for their roost site in a nearby wood.
I happened to come across an old photo from before our first meeting at St. Bridget’s back in July 2021. As a condition of post-lockdown meetings, chairs had to be spaced to allow adequate social distancing. Luckily, we can accommodate more people now!
Acknowledgements to Ellie, Bill and Hugh for the photos.