Mike says:-
“The talk covers an area of the Mersey Valley between Moore Nature Reserve and Hale Village and is my local patch, where I have worked (as a Ranger and the Tree Officer) and lived for many years.
It includes a variety of bird species typically found in amongst the semi natural and industrial landscape, where wildlife has to compete for limited space and resources. Despite that you can find everything from Bitterns, to Long-eared Owls, Lesser-spotted Woodpeckers to Yellow Wagtails and even Corn Buntings to new arrivals such as Cattle Egrets.”
The attached Long-eared Owl photograph was taken by Mike.
This illustrated presentation will take place at St Bridget’s Church Centre, Church Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 7HL from 7.30 pm (doors open 7.00 pm).
Visitors are very welcome, and the cost is £4.00, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
This is not a ticket event – please just come along.